iOS Vs Android: Which is Best for Your App Development?

Ajay Kumbhar
4 min readMay 24, 2021


Mobile operating system has been on a spree with regards to developmental activities. There are numerous operating systems and platforms that are available which support development of apps. In the Quest to finding the perfect app development platform let us compare two of the very best platforms available to us right now. Android and IOS. These two platforms alone control 96% of the market. Android having around 80% share, and IOS having 16%.

If you’re looking for a platform to develop an app on, you need to consider a lot many factors that affect the features of your app. Let us dive deep into our comparison article and find out which is the best operating system based on mobile for you to develop your app on.

We are going to compare and contrast these two operating systems Android and IOS based on 8 difference factors

So let’s get started


When the question is about popularity, both the operating systems are equally popular and have a staggering huge user base, for many app developers to develop apps on.

You will have no problems targeting the user groups in order to market your apps to these users. Both the operating systems of surging ahead in popularity. It all depends on your personal preference and the target user groups for you to market your app on. you can use both operating systems. Or if you wish to target both operating systems then you can go ahead with the cross platform app development route.

Learning Curve:

When it comes to the learning curve for developing the apps, there are numerous features and concepts that a novice programmer or developer needs to master. You need to know Swift so that you can develop apps for iOS, or new Java or Kotlin, so that you can develop apps on Android platform. There is some learning cover attached to these platforms which Aspiring developers need to master so that you can get started with the development of your apps.

Both the operating systems have a decent and adequate learning cover attached to them when trying to master these operating systems for your own advantage.

Community Support:

When we compared the community support offered by these operating systems, we came to know that Android has a much larger community than iOS. Both the communities for these operating systems provide a forum to support so that the developers can post their queries and questions into the community forums and get the answers on the solution as well as get knowledge on how to implement it in their apps. You will not have any problems trying to get resolution for the queries of the doubts that you have for either of these platforms


In order to develop apps for iOS platforms you’ll have to pay a one time registration fee of $99 yearly, so that you can publish your apps to their Store. On the other hand Android however has no such kind of fees to publish apps on the Play Store. So this is definitely a con Apple charges you for publishing your apps on their store. So when you are developing apps for the app store you need to take note of this as Apple charges you heavily so that you can market your apps on the app store.

User Base:

Android has a good 80% user base and market share which has around 4 billions Android users all over the world. On the other hand iOS has around 728 million users worldwide. This depends on what segment you are wanting to target. You can either target any of the operating system or user groups in order to market your apps on as well as enable yourself to produce a minimum viable product as quickly as possible so that you can market your app to your users.


When it comes to our customisation, there is a clear winner here as the amount of options and features as well as functions offered by Android is just purely outnumbered compared to what iOS has to offer on the table. If you want your apps to be tailor with two users and have the best features and functions for customisation then you can surely go with Android app development. On the other hand Apple has provided not as many customisation features as Android as but still it is usable and useful for that particular target group of users.

Ease of use:

When it comes to ease of use and flexibility, both operating systems have their own ways to tackle and provide the ease of use as well as flexibility to users in terms of usage for the operating system. If you want your apps to be flexible enough then you can go with Android or iOS depending on your features and functions.


When it comes to raw performance, or multitasking, and other kinds of benchmark activities, iOS is still a good enough platform for you to leverage your app on. Even Android is Catching up with iOS when it comes to your performance and is able to deliver responsive interactive apps easily and effectively to different uses.

Also Read: 4 Tips for Outsourcing Mobile App Development Projects


So we have compared and contrasted the main reasons that we feel differentiate these operating systems from each other. It all depends on your personal preference which operating system or target user group you want to use. If you are willing to build an app then you can Hire iOS Developer or Hire Android Developer from Nimap Infotech. Hope you like this article on iOS vs Android.

