Role of Java in Android App Development

Ajay Kumbhar
3 min readAug 18, 2022


Java is a programming language that is widely utilized in the creation of mobile applications. Other languages may be used for Android App Development, such as C and C++ utilizing the Native Development Kit (NDK), but Java is recommended. Java is the default language to code in the accessible IDE, Android Studio, with C and C++ as choices. It also supports native code, so C and C++ may be used to write code for mobile applications. Instead of a JVM, an SDK (Software Development Kit) with several libraries is utilized for Android development.The best way to get your apps be well functionable, Hire Java Developer from a reputable app development company, Nimap Infotech.

Java and XML are sophisticated languages used in creating a mobile application. In Android programming, it is used to build back-end logic or business logic. The UI is created using XML (User Interface). Because of the inclusion of built-in data types in Java, it is an object-oriented language but not a pure object-oriented language. This is referred to as object-oriented since it supports all of the characteristics of an object-oriented language.


As Java is a logic-based programming language, it plays a significant role in creating Android apps. Therefore, fundamental Java knowledge is required to create Android applications.

Fundamental knowledge of Java is recommended for creating Android Apps, whereas advanced knowledge of Java is advantageous for development. For example, to add new features to the program.

Let's discuss the significance of Java in Android App Development:

Independent of Platform:

Java is platform agnostic, and it can be executed on any platform. You need no specific source code on the system where it will be run. A class file (.class file) may be run on any platform, including Windows, Linux, and Mac. It means that your code is portable.

As a result, an application may operate on several devices without modifying any code. This functionality enables the program to operate on any smartphone, including Samsung, Nokia, and Lenovo. Instead of JVM, Android Studio (IDE) uses DVM (Dalvik Virtual Machine) (Java Virtual Machine). DVM generates files in the. Dex format.


It is safe because it uses classes & objects and doesn’t enable the pointer or any other keyword to manage memory manually, reducing the possibility of unauthorized meddling in the program. It employs the Garbage Collector for memory management, which removes items that have been inactive for an extended period.

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It enables you to work on many rather than a single thread, reducing the likelihood of your program crashing. If there is just one thread, the load on that thread grows, causing the program to crash. It has a built-in class called AsyncTask that allows us to interact with many threads effortlessly.


We may define it as a container that houses abstract methods. It allows us to use methods for which a declaration has already been made, and we may use them as needed.


One of the primary reasons for using Java for application development is that it is an object-oriented language. So let’s talk about what makes it extraordinary.

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Inheritance makes it easier for developers to create apps. Extending the class may utilize fundamental methods without defining them in the application. It is also straightforward since multiple inheritances are not permitted in Java, which minimizes complexity.


Other factors too contribute for Java’s importance and widespread use. It is crucial in the development of Android applications. In development, all of Java’s fundamental ideas are employed. The use of advanced Java techniques delivers great functionality in our program. Knowledge of fundamental and advanced Java will gives a solid foundation.

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